Investing in equities for a long term has many advantages. Here is why equity investments have an edge over simply saving money in your bank account:
✅ One of the best avenues to fight inflation
Inflation drives up the cost of living and eats away the value of your savings. Traditional investment avenues like Fixed Deposits, Bonds, etc. have a limited upside of 8 to 10 %, whereas equities as an asset class have given an average annual return of about 13 % in the last 10 years. Hence, when it comes to beating inflation, equities are undoubtedly your best bet.
✅Source of Long term wealth creation
Inflation drives up the cost of living and eats away the value of your savings. Traditional investment avenues like Fixed Deposits, Bonds, etc. have a limited upside of 8 to 10 %, whereas equities as an asset class have given an average annual return of about 13 % in the last 10 years. Hence, when it comes to beating inflation, equities are undoubtedly your best bet.
✅One of the most Liquid investment options
Equities also provide you the flexibility of quickly changing your holding patterns to suit your requirements and also convert your holdings into cash instantly. This makes it the most suitable option compared to other asset classes for investors who are looking for liquidity.
At Marquise Capital, we make equity trading easier, more predictable, and more rewarding for our customers. Whether you are a long-term value investor, day trader, a beginner or a professional investor looking to trade on leverage, we provide you with access to various investment and trading products, sound research and advice and secure tools to help you achieve your goals with ease:
✅ One of the best avenues to fight inflation
Inflation drives up the cost of living and eats away the value of your savings. Traditional investment avenues like Fixed Deposits, Bonds, etc. have a limited upside of 8 to 10 %, whereas equities as an asset class have given an average annual return of about 13 % in the last 10 years. Hence, when it comes to beating inflation, equities are undoubtedly your best bet.
✅Source of Long term wealth creation
Inflation drives up the cost of living and eats away the value of your savings. Traditional investment avenues like Fixed Deposits, Bonds, etc. have a limited upside of 8 to 10 %, whereas equities as an asset class have given an average annual return of about 13 % in the last 10 years. Hence, when it comes to beating inflation, equities are undoubtedly your best bet.
✅One of the most Liquid investment options
Equities also provide you the flexibility of quickly changing your holding patterns to suit your requirements and also convert your holdings into cash instantly. This makes it the most suitable option compared to other asset classes for investors who are looking for liquidity.